7 Ways You’re Doing it Wrong – on Twitter that is.

twitterI will be the first to admit that I am no expert when it comes to social media. I think it’s hard for anyone to claim that title for themselves. This field is so dynamic that each day we are all learning something new.

I can, however, tell you that I know some people have just got it allwrong. There are tweeps I see each and every day on my feed that are sending tweets that just irk me. So in my passive-aggressive manner I have decided to create a little list of what I just LOVE to see on Twitter everyday (please tell me the sarcasm is easy to sense here):

  1. People telling me how much money I can make if I sign up for their services.
  2. Users that link everything back to their website(s).
  3. People claiming to be experts on engagement, yet never actually talk to anyone else.
  4. Those that call themselves a “guru.” Todd Schnick said it before me, but it never hurts to remind everyone of this faux pas.
  5. An entire tweet stream filled with inspirational quotes rather than ever saying anything original.
  6. Auto DM me as soon as I follow them back – as MarketerMikeE says, Don’t Auto DM me, bro!
  7. People that still have the default cloud background. Okay, now I’m just being petty.

This list could go on & on. Twitter is such a valuable tool for creating and supporting an online presence. If you misuse it in one of the ways listed above, there is a good chance you are eliminating possibilities everyday of creating connections, and engaging in meaningful conversation. And if you’re in this for business reasons, you can be sure you’re turning away potential customers each time you do it.

So, I’ve listed my 7. What would you add to this list?